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Nature Hike

It's a sunny day, Russell and Rochelle, two enthusiastic young scouts, have decided to lead their Explorer friends on an adventure to discover the woods and the sea, typical lands of the Versilia, in Tuscany!

They set out on their adventure at dawn with backpacks full of food, water, and beach towels. They walked for kilometers, observing their surroundings: majestic trees with green leaves, colorful butterflies flying around them, and occasionally, some sightings of wild animals.

After a long walk, however, their stomachs started to rumble...

The four friends checked the time and realized that lunchtime had already passed! Wandering through the forest, they found a bivouac where they could sit down, set the table, and start eating. After a few minutes, though, they heard a rustle of leaves behind them. Turning slowly, they discovered that there were...

Many little animals sniffing the air!

"They must surely smell the scent of our honey," exclaimed Rochelle. "Be careful, friends," Russell continued, "I know they're cute, but we can't feed them! Otherwise, they would get used to our food and lose the ability to find food on their own." No food for the animals, but a few pictures are allowed!

After many shots and a quick rest on the beach, they resumed their walk, and with chatter and laughter, evening arrived quickly.

They are all ready to return home with a day imprinted in their memory and hearts... ❤️

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Ambientazione Esploratori.jpg

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